Friday, March 8, 2013


As you likely already recognize, our society has undergone some basic changes, and many of them are not healthy changes! Let's delve into one of the biggest of the next generation.

Since the point in our history where television became a primary influence in our lives, it has evolved into the primary source of information for the upcoming generation of youth. As I was growing up, I recall various nicknames for that instrument, such as “boob-tube”. The influence of electronic media is even more the case with the rapid development of the Internet, social media, smart phone, etc. The concept of dumbing down takes on new meaning, as youth often can't function on a face-to-face level, texting each other across the table, or walking side-by-side. How will they be able to function in their future careers, businesses, etc.?

I'll include a couple of snippits, and recommend reading the entire story. Overall, we need to be proactive in training our children in ways that will assure that they still have the freedom to choose their future! Quoting from Dr. DeMille:

We elect based on media, especially television media. Many newspapers and bookstores are going out of business, and while TV media rules modern culture for now, it will likely be replaced by online media in the next decade or two. The point is that the problems we have in government, the dysfunctional arguments in capitols from Sacramento or Albany to Washington and Ottawa and London, are the natural results of societies steeped in television and online culture.

In contrast, free societies are reading societies, from the ancient Hebrews and Greeks to the medieval Swiss, Anglo-Saxons and Saracens, to the modern American founding generation and beyond.

Free people are reading people, and there are no exceptions in history.

Thus parents hold the future of our nation in their hands.

Nothing Washington does will have near the impact as how parents choose to educate their kids. Period.

Those who select reading of great books and discussion about these readings—along with whatever else they include in the education of their family, from classrooms to online options—are the new founding fathers and mothers because they will train the leaders of the 21st century.”

Today, without our direct influence in mentoring our youth, they are being indoctrinated to believe that personal achievement and personal success is wrong. Be involved with them....daily!

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