Friday, March 8, 2013


As you likely already recognize, our society has undergone some basic changes, and many of them are not healthy changes! Let's delve into one of the biggest of the next generation.

Since the point in our history where television became a primary influence in our lives, it has evolved into the primary source of information for the upcoming generation of youth. As I was growing up, I recall various nicknames for that instrument, such as “boob-tube”. The influence of electronic media is even more the case with the rapid development of the Internet, social media, smart phone, etc. The concept of dumbing down takes on new meaning, as youth often can't function on a face-to-face level, texting each other across the table, or walking side-by-side. How will they be able to function in their future careers, businesses, etc.?

I'll include a couple of snippits, and recommend reading the entire story. Overall, we need to be proactive in training our children in ways that will assure that they still have the freedom to choose their future! Quoting from Dr. DeMille:

We elect based on media, especially television media. Many newspapers and bookstores are going out of business, and while TV media rules modern culture for now, it will likely be replaced by online media in the next decade or two. The point is that the problems we have in government, the dysfunctional arguments in capitols from Sacramento or Albany to Washington and Ottawa and London, are the natural results of societies steeped in television and online culture.

In contrast, free societies are reading societies, from the ancient Hebrews and Greeks to the medieval Swiss, Anglo-Saxons and Saracens, to the modern American founding generation and beyond.

Free people are reading people, and there are no exceptions in history.

Thus parents hold the future of our nation in their hands.

Nothing Washington does will have near the impact as how parents choose to educate their kids. Period.

Those who select reading of great books and discussion about these readings—along with whatever else they include in the education of their family, from classrooms to online options—are the new founding fathers and mothers because they will train the leaders of the 21st century.”

Today, without our direct influence in mentoring our youth, they are being indoctrinated to believe that personal achievement and personal success is wrong. Be involved with them....daily!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tithe Your Way to Success?

Our resources are not really ours. Everything we are and possess, in reality, belongs to God! He has asked us to share just ten percent back to Him. In Malachi, we are guided to:

Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. (Mal 3:10)

However, be certain to apply the correct motivation here! If your motive is based on receiving more material wealth to enjoy, perhaps you need a different investment vehicle. If you are wanting to provide more for the needs of others, overcome some limiting situations, and such, you are likely on the right track. You will never get the Lord in your debt. And that blessing He promises may manifest in many ways.

As a young minister during the Great Depression, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale tells us that he was deeply concerned when his salary had twice been reduced, not knowing how he would be able to get by. Ruth, his devoted wife, insisted that the answer was found in the reference above from Malachi. Once applied, this was never again an issue for the Peales. Many of us have enjoyed similar outcomes in this manner.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Our Comfort Zone

A life lived of choice is a life of conscious action. A life lived of chance is a life of unconscious creation! ~Neale Donald Walsch

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Following the Doctor's Advice...

Happy Birthday, Doctor Seuss! March 2, 1904 - September 24, 1991

Friday, March 1, 2013

A Modern Classic....

On Dr. DeMille's recommendation, I purchased this volume the other day. It arrived yesterday mid-day. I'll finish my first reading of it over the weekend. It will require additional reading (as should most books of its nature). Thus far, I am enjoying it....except for the parts which point out my major weaknesses! And Kris Krohn doesn't even know me (or does he?)!

 Modern Classic – The Conscious Creator

Published on 15. Feb, 2013 by Oliver DeMille at
Book Review of The Conscious Creator by Kris Krohn & Stephen Palmer

The Law of Attraction, Revisited

Krohn.3D 261x300 A Modern Classic   The Conscious Creator
Every once in a while I read a book that really changes me—deeply, drastically, truly. I’ve never been the same since I read Les Miserables the first time, for example, and when I read The Making of America by W. Cleon Skousen my whole life shifted. The same happened when I read A World Split Apart by Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn, and The Law by Bastiat. Of course, scripture is the best read because it has changes for you no matter how many times you re-read it. Some books just change your life.
Today I read another life-changing book. In fact, I read it through the evening and couldn’t put it down so I read through the night. I usually read fast, but in this case I took so many notes that I didn’t finish until after 3 a.m. The book is The Conscious Creator by Kris Krohn with Stephen Palmer.
This book is brilliant, and I don’t use that word lightly. This book is a revolution, because it really gets to the heart of what the whole modern “Manifesting Your Dreams” movement is all about. Manifesting works for some people, but not for others, and Krohn and Palmer show why.
When the book The Secret came out a few years ago, it was an international phenomenon. Millions of people were touched by it, and moved by its promise of what great things can happen to one’s life when we apply “The Law of Manifestation.” Within a year, many people around the world were using its concepts in their daily lives. But over time, a lot of them felt disappointed by the results. Many critics lamented that the reality just didn’t live up to the hype, that the promises of the book just weren’t as realistic as described.
Perhaps the problem was that many people didn’t quite understand what was really needed. “Manifesting” can mean different things to different people, after all.
This problem is remedied by The Conscious Creator. It outlines six laws of manifesting, not just one. The first law, which is basically the same as that listed in The Secret and so many other books on manifesting what you really want in life, doesn’t work if you don’t apply the other five laws!
Just the chapter on Law 4 alone is worth much more than the price of the book. Anyone who wants to really understand the laws of success should read this book. After I finished reading it, even though it was late, I pulled out my copy of The Secret and perused my notes. In fact, many of the six laws are there, I just didn’t quite catch them before. But with the six laws fresh in my mind from reading The Conscious Creator, suddenly The Secret was a whole new book.
I read every new book I can get my hands on about the topics that really interest me, and manifesting is a fascinating field—whether you buy into it or not. Having read dozens of books on the subject, I am impressed by how effectively The Conscious Creator teaches the principles of success. In my opinion, it is the best book in the entire manifesting genre, right up there with The Jackrabbit Factor.
It is written as a story, like The One Minute Manager or The Richest Man in Babylon, and the story is engaging and fun. This is a great book, and I couldn’t sleep until I wrote this recommendation to everyone. In short, this is truly a great book! Read it! It won’t disappoint. It’s a modern classic.